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About Moldavites

Moldavite - "The Gem That Fell to Earth"

Brief history and main informations about Moldavites:

Moldavite (Czech: Vltavín) is an olive-green or dull greenish vitreous substance possibly formed by a meteorite impact. It is one kind of tektite. It was named by Armand Dufrénoy for the town of Moldauthein (Czech: Týn nad Vltavou) in Bohemia (the Czech Republic), where it occurs. It is sometimes cut and polished as an ornamental stone under the name of pseudo-chrysolite.

Moldavite's bottle-green glass colour led to its being commonly called Bouteillen-stein, and at one time it was regarded as an artificial product, but this view is opposed to the fact that no remains of glassworks are found in the neighbourhood of its occurrence; moreover, pieces of the substance are widely distributed in Middle to Upper Miocene and younger fluvial clays and gravelly sands in Bohemia and Moravia.(source Wikipedia)
There are many theories about origin of Moldavites,one of the most popular is from Prof.Bouška,that Moldavites were formed about 14.7 million years ago during the impact of a large meteorite, or comet nuclei, with the Earth’s surface.He explained that an enormous body with a volume of several cubic kilometers is racing towards the Earth. The uppermost layers of the Earth’s surface are melted by the highly compressed hot air cushion in front of the flying meteorite prior to its contact with the surface of the Earth. At the moment of impact, there is a tremendous explosion comparable with a multiple hydrogen bomb, the atmosphere is torn apart, and tektites are formed in the vacuum bubble. The fusion process and the throwing out of the tektite glass material occurs in a very short time period prior to the actual impact of the meteorite or comet core. The modeling of the formation of large impact craters has shown that the column of hot ascending atmosphere can carry the tektite melt into the upper parts of the atmosphere or even above the atmosphere.” A search was made, worldwide, for meteorite craters in the vicinity of tektite strewnfields. There is strong evidence to support this explanation of the origin of tektites due to the known age of tektites found in certain areas, and the relative proximity of the tektite strewnfields to large meteorite craters of the same age. A number of researchers have suggested that the surface material in the area around the Ries Crater, in Germany, is probably the source material for Moldavites -- the age of the crater is identical with the age of Moldavites.


Moldavites are found in many various shapes as discs,spheres,ovals,tear drops and many others.Very popular and rare are specimens from Besednice in shapes of Hedgehog.Those are actualy most expensive on the market as most of those specimens are from old finds.

Moldavites and metaphysical uses:

Moldavite is one of the most popular objects for metaphysical users,healers and other esoteric peoples.For example Cassandra Eason explains in her books that that Moldavite crystals can be helpful for healing environmental issues. Moldavite crystal is an excellent choice for healing illness that is not responding to conventional treatment. Healing from pollution or ills of the modern world such as asthma can be possible. Those trying to quit smoking should consider wearing Moldavite. It isalso stone to wear if you spend a good deal of time alone, as its healing properties can help you strengthen and rejoice in your unique qualities. For crystal healing with children, it can help them connect with the wider universe. It is also recommended as a healing crystal for spiritually evolved cats.

Robert Simmons says in his book Starborn Stone of Transformation:
Moldavite is a powerful aid for meditation and dream-work. In both cases, taping a piece of Moldavite to the forehead can have the effect of creating a much more vivid and visionary inner experience. Moldavite increases one's sensitivity to guidance and one’s ability to discern the messages sent from the higher realms. Moldavite can be a powerful catalyst for self-healing, clearing blockages and opening the meridians, as well as energizing the interconnections between all aspects of one’s etheric, astral, causal and physical bodies. Moldavite is a talisman of spiritual awakening, transformation and evolutionary growth.

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Moldavite: Starborn Stone of Transformation

by Robert Simmons

Robert Simmons

For 20 years now, I’ve been a stone lover, trader, learner and teacher, exploring the mineral kingdom and its synergistic relationship with human beings. The stone that started me on my path –– actually pulled me kicking and screaming into a spiritual life –– was a curious green material called Moldavite.

Moldavite is a member of the Tektite group, a glassy mixture of silicon dioxide, aluminum oxide and other metal oxides. Its crystal system is amorphous. The color of most specimens is a deep forest green, though some pieces are pale green and others, especially those from Moravia, are greenish brown.

Moldavite’s formation coincides with the crash of a large meteorite in what is now the Bohemian plateau of the Czech Republic, approximately 14.8 million years ago. Most specimens are found strewn throughout that area.

The force of the impact explosion has been estimated at six trillion megatons, far more than all the atom bombs on Earth. The heat was high enough to vaporize rock, and the main body of the meteorite is believed to have passed completely through the Earth’s crust, penetrating into the liquid iron at the planet’s core. This deep impact is said to have disturbed the currents of rotating liquid iron enough to cause the reversal of Earth’s magnetic poles.

Throughout history, Moldavite has been regarded as a spiritual talisman. In modern times, Moldavite has emerged as one of the stones most prized for metaphysical purposes. Its effects vary widely, from mild to almost overwhelming, from physical cleansings to spiritual breakthroughs — yet the common denominator seems to be the revitalization and acceleration of one’s path of personal evolution.

People who hold Moldavite for the first time most often experience its energy as warmth or heat, usually felt first in one’s hand and then progressively throughout the body. In some cases, there is an opening of the heart chakra which is characterized by strange (though not painful) sensations in the chest, an upwelling of emotion and a flushing of the face. This has happened often enough to have been given a name — the Moldavite flush.

Moldavite’s energies can activate any and all of the chakras. Its vibrations tend to focus in areas where one has blockages or wounds, first clearing these areas and then moving into resonance with one’s entire energetic system.

Moldavite offers the promise and carries the potential for assisting one in fully awakening the intelligence of the heart. Through the heart’s electromagnetic field and its accompanying field of unmeasurable subtle energies, we can directly perceive the conditions of other people and the world. The heart’s field resonates to all-that-is, from atoms to galaxies, from individual soul to cosmic consciousness. And the heart not only perceives — it also changes conditions. Through the heart’s will, it is possible to alter reality, and, knowing this, one has the responsibility of willing the highest good in each moment without knowing what form it will take.

Moldavite is a powerful aid for meditation and dream-work. In both cases, taping a piece of Moldavite to the forehead can have the effect of creating a much more vivid and visionary inner experience. Moldavite increases one's sensitivity to guidance and one’s ability to discern the messages sent from the higher realms. Moldavite can be a powerful catalyst for self-healing, clearing blockages and opening the meridians, as well as energizing the interconnections between all aspects of one’s etheric, astral, causal and physical bodies.

Moldavite is a talisman of spiritual awakening, transformation and evolutionary growth.